Star Wars Episode 7: Who Are The 7 New Characters?

5. A Late Twentysomething Male, Fit, Handsome And Confident

Japanese_joinerKing-Jacen_Solo This is going to be the other point in the Solo girl€™s love triangle. He€™ll be cute, funny, overconfident, and basically very Han Solo-like. Han will hate his living guts. Leia will like him. He€™ll be loosely modeled on Han€™s character, but more of a white knight than a scoundrel. And he won€™t be as clever as #6. She€™ll be attracted to him, but ultimately she€™ll realize she€™s meant to be with the not-traditionally-handsome guy. From the Expanded Universe: Like I said in #6, there was a nine-book love triangle around Jaina before she eventually settled into a relationship with Jag Fel. There are also some characters with these basic traits, like Kyp Durron. The picture is of Jacen Solo, in case they do another sibling-disqualification. Just kidding!

Rebecca Kulik lives in Iowa, reads an obsence amount, watches way too much television, and occasionally studies for her BA in History. Come by her personal pop culture blog at and her reading blog at