Star Wars Episode 7: Who Are The 7 New Characters?

2. Forty Something Male, Fit, Military Type

Soontir_Fel Well, this guy€™s about of an age with the original gang, and he€™s a military type. So this will be either an imperial survivor leading the galaxy into a new war with the same enemy, OR he€™ll be a former member of the rebellion. Maybe he€™ll be giving orders to one or all of the kids, or maybe he€™ll be a slightly younger upstart challenging the original trio€™s authority. From the Expanded Universe: There€™s Gavin Darklighter, a slightly younger pilot in the New Republic. Corran Horn, a mellow Jedi. There€™s Baron Fel, Jag€™s super-Imperial father. There€™s Grand Admiral Thrawn, who tried to revive the empire and who otherwise has nothing in common with this casting call but has to be mentioned somewhere in this article.

Rebecca Kulik lives in Iowa, reads an obsence amount, watches way too much television, and occasionally studies for her BA in History. Come by her personal pop culture blog at and her reading blog at