Star Wars Episode IX: Duel Of The Fates - 10 Things We Learned From Colin Trevorrow's Leaked Script

1. It Highlights How Much Of A Departure TROS Was

Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker Finn Poe Rey

Leaks and rumours surrounding Episode IX have been moving in and out of the news cycle for over four years now, and while I'm sure there'll be bits and bobs that turn out to be true, this is still the first concrete idea we have of what the film looked like before Abrams replaced Trevorrow on the project in 2017.

There's all sorts that you can read into with the script's details, but by far the biggest is that it shows just how much a departure The Rise of Skywalker is compared to the rest of the trilogy. Critics of Rian Johnson's The Last Jedi frequently opine that it feels at odds with The Force Awakens, but even if that was the case (audiences said the same about Empire in 1980), it still worked with the tools Abrams provided in Episode VII. It still felt like a continuation of a new series.

The Rise of Skywalker, conversely, does not. It drops Palpatine in out of nowhere and ends up making the Sequel Trilogy feel more disparate than it ever did before, like it was made in a bubble away from the guiding influence of Lucasfilm Story Group.

Trevorrow's script differs in that regard. While there are certain story beats within it that may not be to everyone's liking, it does at the very least feel like a natural conclusion to the series. Either way it's sure to heighten interest in Episode IX's development. Here's hoping more answers - however unlikely - will be forthcoming in the months to come.


What did you think of Colin Trevorrow's leaked Episode IX story? Let us know in the comments below!


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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.