Star Wars: Episode VII To Be Shot On 35mm Film

Jj In the Digital Age, the word "Film" has somewhat lost its meaning. A lot of movies these days are films in name only, sort of the way an album of MP3s is referred to as a record. Perhaps because of it's nostalgia, a lot of people now use the word film as a way of distinguishing a "good" movie. For example, I don't think anybody has ever referred to The Smurfs 2 as a film. Just for kicks, let's try it right now. "Tonight Beatrice and I will be enjoying an evening at the cinema. We shall be seeing a film called The Smurfs 2." See? That didn't feel right. Well, it looks like J.J. Abrams new Star Wars movie is going to be a film not just in name only. Boba Fett Fan Club is reporting that according to Mr. Abrams frequent cinamatographer Dan Mindel, speaking at an event hosted by the American Society of Cinematographers, Episode VII will be shot on good old fashioned 35mm Kodak film. Mindel Though this sounds like an excellent decision, it isn't a total shocker. Since Disney's acquisition of Lucasfilm, the big whigs over at the House of Mouse have been going to great lengths to capture the same magic that made the original trilogy so special, like filming in exotic real-world locales, filming in UK studios like Elstree and Pinewood, and getting Empire Strikes Back/Return of the Jedi screenwriter Lawrence Kasdan to consult on the script. And of course the return of Luke, Han and Leia. For the eight people who haven't seen Star Wars, they were the main characters in the original trilogy. Regardless of where it's shot or how it's shot, we're all just hoping that it's a good movie. So hopefully with some great storytelling and attention to detail, Star Wars: Episode VII will be remembered as a great film, both literally and figuratively. The down side: there's probably going to be some lens flare.

David Bailey is a creative advertising professional who moonlights as a Private Investigative Journalist. He currently resides in Los Angeles and enjoys receiving haircuts and eating sandwiches. You may find him on twitter @TheRingaDingKid.