Star Wars: Episode VIII - 16 Biggest Rumours You Need To Know (July 2nd)

14. Benicio Del Toro Isn't The Villain

Star Wars VIII

According to a major Reddit leak, Benicio Del Toro's Lord Vikram will be presented as a morally ambiguous figure in opposition to General Organa's preferred approach of taking war to the First Order.

Ultimately, he is implicated as a traitor and imprisoned, but it turns out he was framed by the real perpetrator to distract Leia and pull the Resistance down from within.

Rating: 5/10

Though the leak was widely discredited, the Vikram element seems far more believable, and it particularly works if the title was indeed correct.

There's also narrative precedent. This sort of political friction between Leia and Vikram basically mirrors the plot of Timothy Zahn's Thrawn Trilogy, with Del Toro standing in for Borsk Fey'lya.


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