Star Wars: Episode VIII - Predicting The Entire Plot In 11 Steps

1. Kylo Ren Kills Supreme Leader Snoke; Luke & Leia Reconcile; Rey Disappears

Kylo Ren, exhausted, confronts Supreme Leader Snoke, who has been severely wounded by Luke during the climatic battle. "Help me, Kylo," he begs, struggling to breathe, and Kylo begins to obey his master when suddenly... "Didn't he abandon you?" comes the voice of Benicio Del Toro's character as he appears. "Didn't he leave you to face Skywalker and the girl all on your own?" There's a moment as Kylo realises this to be true; as he realises that he no longer needs Supreme Leader Snoke. He moves towards the pathetic, injured Sith, and - after a moment - ignites his lightsaber straight through Snoke's head, killing him instantly. "You made the right choice," says Benicio Del Toro. "He was only holding you back, Kylo." At this point, the Resistance manage to overwhelm the First Order, who - on General Hux's orders - retreat from the planet. The victory is somewhat hollow, however, as many lives have been claimed. Luke meets with Leia, and the pair embrace after all these years. The other characters also meet Luke for the first time, but Rey is nowhere to be seen. He explains that she needs time in order to discover "where she belongs." The movie ends with Rey looking out across a vast expanse of land that appears to be Jakku, her lightsaber in one hand - and Kylo Ren's broken mask in the other. Like this article? What do you make of these potential plot for Episode VIII? Love it? Hate it? Think it's plausible? Let us know all your thoughts in the comments section below.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.