Star Wars: Episode VIII - Predicting The Entire Plot In 11 Steps

7. The Kyber Crystal Trial

Rey ventures across Ach-To's unforgiving terrain, using the Force to leap across a bottomless pit, climb an impossibly hagged rock face, and - most notably - move a large boulder out of the way in order to entire a mysterious ice cave. She ventures inside and takes the path downwards, deep into the darkness. Finally, she reaches a large central chamber and notices something shimmering at the far end of the room. It's a Kyber crystal, the source of a lightsaber's power, and the item that all trainee Jedi must attain in order to construct their most trusted weapon. As Rey edges towards it, however, there is the sound of heavy breathing. She's not alone. Out of nowhere, a large Wampa-type monster attacks Rey, and she's forced to fight it with her staff. A thoroughly dazzling action sequence takes place, as Rey must use her knowledge of the Force to survive. Eventually, she defeats the creature, but the whole cavern starts to shake. She races over to the glowing Kyber crystal as the ceiling comes crashing down, and escapes - Indiana Jones style - just in the nick of time. Notes: This entire sequence would echo the famous one in The Empire Strikes Back that saw Luke training on Dagobah with Yoda, as Rey showcases all that she has learned under the most famous Skywalker. It would also be interesting to focus part of the story on a Jedi constructing their lightsaber - something that Star Wars is yet to show fans.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.