Star Wars: Every Character Who's Wielded The Darksaber
Star Wars' Mandalorian lightsaber has been wielded by more than just Moff Gideon...

The Darksaber is the most unique lightsaber in Star Wars. Shaped like a katana and black as night, the weapon was forged during the Old Republic by the only Mandalorian ever to be inducted into the Jedi Order. Following years of conflict, the Darksaber has been passed through the hands of many a key player in the Star Wars franchise, and is set to play a pivotal role in The Mandalorian TV series.
Despite never appearing in the franchise's movies, its on-screen debut in The Clone Wars and subsequent appearances in Star Wars Rebels - as well as the aforementioned Mandalorian - have caused it to become one of the most intriguing artifacts in the Star Wars universe.
Passing from Mandalorians and non-Mandalorians alike, the fabled saber has moved between ancient collectives, Sith Lords, Jedi and Imperials during its time in the main Star Wars canon, and its inclusion in the franchise is made all the more interesting by the fact that it can only be wielded by someone who defeats its owner in single combat.
Whether animated or live-action, here are all the characters who are known to have used the Darksaber.
7. Tarre Vizsla

The first person to ever wield the Darksaber was Tarre Vizsla, who was the first Mandalorian to be inducted into the Jedi Order.
As with all Jedi, he was sent to create his own lightsaber during his training, but chose to disregard convention and make a blade of pure black. Even the sound it made was distinctive of its blade, more high-pitched than a regular saber.
Tarre Vizsla used the Darksaber during his time as a Jedi to lead his people, causing his weapon to become a symbol of power and leadership on Mandalore.
When he died, the Darksaber was kept in the Jedi Temple until the fall of the Old Republic, when House Vizsla of Mandalore fell into conflict with the Jedi and stole the Darksaber from the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Back in possession of the Vizsla clan, the weapon united Mandalore once more and was passed from generation to generation for years to come.