Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi's 5 Worst Decisions

3. The Skywalker Adoption Plan

Owen&BeruLars Okay so this was Yoda€™s backwards-arse plan but Obi-Wan€™s still at fault for going along with it. The adoption plan for Luke and Leia is that Leia gets adopted by the Alderaan Royal Family and has her name changed from Skywalker to Organa. She gets loving parents who are obscenely rich and her true identity is known to only three people in the entire universe. And Luke? His name doesn€™t get changed and he gets sent to live with Anakin€™s stepbrother and his wife who are dirt-poor moisture farmers on a backwards planet that is not only okay with slavery but is ruled by the space mafia, regularly ravaged by sandstorms, and populated by mercenary scum, aggressive desert nomads, and creatures that can kill you in the blink of an eye. Jesus, did Yoda and Obi-Wan just hate boys? Or maybe they thought Luke looked a bit shifty. Hiding him on a remote planet is a good idea. Deliberately choosing the planet his father grew up on (that€™s also a barren wasteland), giving him to the closest thing he has to relatives, and not even changing his name is a bad idea. Also, Obi-Wan never communicates what€™s going on to Luke€™s new parents. He just turns up on their doorstep, gives them the baby without a single word, and rides off on his weird camel thing. Then again, it does explain why Luke€™s uncle hates Obi-Wan so much. I€™d be pretty miffed with someone if they just randomly gave me a child to look after and then ran off into the desert.
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JG Moore is a writer and filmmaker from the south of England. He also works as an editor and VFX artist, and has a BA in Media Production from the University Of Winchester.