Star Wars Prequel Trilogy: 10 Missed Opportunities We'll NEVER Get Over

3. Not Enough Focus On The Building Of The Rebel Alliance

Star Wars Count Dooku Darth Maul General Grievous

While there were plenty of compelling seeds planted throughout the Star Wars prequels that would eventually lead to some of the subsequent original trilogy's greatest moments, the glaring lack of any real mention of the early beginnings of what would eventually become the Rebel Alliance sticks out like a sore thumb.

This isn't a case of George Lucas just completely overlooking how interesting it would have been to witness the first few flickers of rebellion pop up as Sheev Palpatine's plan to take over the galaxy neared completion, though.

The director actually shot a number of compelling but ultimately deleted scenes that showed the likes of Bail Organa, Padmé Amidala, Mon Mothma and other senators discussing how they could save the democracy that would soon be destroyed by The Emperor. Organa even goes as far as to note how himself and Mothma were putting together an "organisation" that could save democracy in the Republic during the deleted moments.

Leaving these political conversations in would have perhaps slowed Episode III - Revenge of the Sith down a little, sure. But keeping these scenes in the finished article would have also given a number of underutilised characters something a bit more to do in the film, and deciding to not throw in a few subtle hints at the Rebellion to come feels like yet another squandered prequel opportunity.

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