Star Wars: Ranking Every Major Death From Worst To Best

5. Yoda

Rogue One Jyn Cassian deaths

The Death: Yoda passes away in Return of the Jedi after one final, emotional conversation with Luke, where he learns he must undertake the challenge of facing Darth Vader and the might of the Empire by himself.

Ranking Explained: There was barely a dry eye in the house when Lucas made the decision to kill Yoda off in Return of the Jedi before the little green guy had been able to fully teach Luke the ways of the force. His character trains young Skywalker during the Empire Strikes Back with his tiny frame, coupled with his unique way of saying things and ridiculous power at his disposal, seeing him emerge as one of the faces of the entire saga.

And his death is huge for the series because of what Yoda confirms on his deathbed. Audiences were forced to watch the early moments of the film completely ignore the bombshell that was dropped in its predecessor. Instead of addressing Luke’s parentage and Darth Vader’s bold claim, movie-goers had to instead witness Jabba capturing the trio. Entertaining but blimey, get to the point.

Yoda’s death serves a huge purpose with Luke finally learning the truth about his father. The former Jedi master then passes away on his deathbed and it would not be until the prequels that fans learn just how bad-ass and awesome his character really was.

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