Star Wars: Ranking Every Space Battle Worst To Best

12. Battle Of Coruscant - Episode III

If you want to kick-off the third instalment of a new trilogy with a bang, then what better way to do it than with a monumental battle for space supremacy?

The battle over Coruscant that starts Episode III is very much in line with the battles we'd seen in Episode I and II.

Cheesy one-liners - and at times some poor acting - don't exactly make the scene breathtaking, but there's enough going on to draw you into the movie right from the off.

Much like the rest of the film, there's the immediate hint of Anakin's recklessness which ultimately proves part of his downfall into a Sith Lord in the end.

The whole battle is essentially a rescue mission. Our two Jedi have one goal, to rescue Chancellor Palpatine.

When we get to Palpatine's rescue, we see Anakin's first nod of loyalty to the soon-to-be Emperor as, to the surprise of Count Dooku, Skywalker takes his head off with one swift motion of two lightsabers.

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Football, WWE, NBA, Pokemon, Star Wars, Breaking Bad. Father to two humans and one dog. At my most stressed when getting beat on NBA2K and blaming 'laggy internet' for all losses.