Star Wars: Ranking The Jedi High Council From Worst To Best

10. Ki-Adi-Mundi

Star Wars Jedi Council

Ki-Adi Mundi had one of Star Wars' most haunting deaths, as Order 66 was announced and his clones turned on him, much to his disbelief.

He was close with Masters Yoda and Windu, and was held in high esteem by the rest of the Council for his combat skills and philosophical teachings.

Seen as a great warrior and a wise leader, he was known for his strict followings of logic. For example, he refused to believe that Dooku could be a Sith given his previous role in the Order, and refuted Qui-Gon's claims that the Sith had returned, because such an event was surely "impossible," neither of which being great deductions in hindsight.

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