Star Wars: Rogue One - 10 Crazy Rumours You Should Definitely Believe

3. Felicity Jones Is Playing Someone We've Met Before

With Daisy Ridley's Rey one of The Force Awakens' central trio and Felicity Jones now confirmed as Rogue One's star, it certainly looks like Star Wars is attempting to make up for almost forty years of gender inequality. Yeah, it's been the Ortolan in the room for years; there really hasn't been much in the way of a female presence in the films. In fact, outside of Leia, the only named woman in the Original Trilogy is Aunt Beru. Despite that limited pool of characters, however, you can be pretty certain that it's one of these pre-existing women that Jones is playing. The original remit for these spin-offs was to provide an origin to key, established characters, so focusing on an original creation would be a major u-turn, while the shortlist of actresses for the part (Rooney Mara and Tatiana Maslany were also reportedly in the running) all looked pretty similar, implying Gareth Edwards was going for a very particular, pre-ordained look for his protagonist. So, who could Jones be? The obvious answer given the Rebel-infused storyline is Leia (even though she's over ten years older than Carrie Fisher was in Star Wars), although that also opens up potential for her to be Alliance big-wig Mon Mothma (seen briefly in Return Of The Jedi). There's a few other contenders (Sabine from Rebels is an outside chance), but realistically it'll end up being one of these two.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.