Star Wars Rogue One: 10 Major Concerns From Trailer 3

1. It's All Too Different

Star Wars Rogue One

The issue of prequel familiarity aside, the major concern from this trailer is how different from all the other Star Wars films this looks. Strangely out of place robots, no Jedi or Force action and a host of brand new characters suggest a finished product far, far away from anything we've seen in the mainstream Star Wars series so far.

Rogue One has been described as a 'war film' several times by director Gareth Edwards and from this trailer that particular aesthetic is clear, and often quite astounding. Edwards is an expert at portraying scale with wide shots of battle scenes and it's difficult to argue that it doesn't look great.

Problem is, it looks nothing like Star Wars.

JJ Abrams brought a different flavour to Episode VII, and sure some of this didn't taste the same (the Rathtar scene comes to mind) but generally it still felt like Star Wars. The use of the old characters no doubt helped with this, but obviously that's not something Rogue One can count on.

It is difficult to pin point exactly what is wrong, but something about this newest trailer does not 'feel' right. Perhaps it's a bit too polished? Maybe it's the weird grey-scale that seems to adorn a lot of the shots? Everything looks a bit drab really.

Unexplainable differences and a Star Wars film that doesn't appear to be very 'Star Wars-y' could well go on to be a huge success and lead to a different direction for the rest of the spin-offs, but it could also be the film's downfall.

Fingers crossed of course that it is a success because Star Wars is important, it's just unfortunate that this trailer hasn't silenced the cynical voices inside.

Do you have any other concerns spawned by trailer 3? Or maybe your positive and have no concerns and think the cynics need to shut up? Let us know in the comments.


Film Fanatic. Movie Maniac. Cockney Critic. Asserting his opinion wherever he goes, whether it is warranted or not.