Star Wars: Rogue One - 10 Simple Blunders That Would Ruin It
3. Han Solo Cameos

I'm excited for the Han Solo film. I mean, it's directed Phil Lord and Chris Miller, who between Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs, Jump Street and The Lego Movie haven't put a foot wrong. It doesn't hurt that the casting shortlist is strong - anyone of them could feasibly get it and I'd be happy (except maybe for Jack Reynor, because we don't want to the guy who read out the Romeo + Juliet clause in Transformers anywhere near Star Wars).
But perhaps what's got me most excited is that it's a proper offshoot film - it's connected to the main continuity even less than Rogue One, following Han and Chewie before they got wrapped up in the Galactic conflict, something we've not seen at all before in the movies.
So what a way to ruin that by having him cameo two years ahead in Rogue One? This isn't just a madcap worry either - it's been rumoured the role will be cast soon to explicitly allow for a brief appearance in reshoots.
No. Just no. Aside from making his pre-Star Wars adventures weaker, it'd mess up the continuity - if this is "Young" Han Solo, it seems odd for the actor to pop up when the character is almost Harrison Ford - and could make for a wink-wink scene more painful than anything in the prequels; think the duo's cameo in The Lego Movie, only not played for laughs.