Star Wars: Rogue One - 10 Things That Will Happen

1. No Opening Crawl

Star Wars Rogye One Bacta Tank Vader

Rogue One will be the first Star Wars film without an opening crawl. While brief, this will be the strangest and most uncomfortable part of the film. Thankfully, it will only occupy the first opening moments. Filling the gap of this opening will be the flashback sequence setting up the story as previously mentioned.

Stylistically, it'll be interesting to see how this is pulled off. Will the classic phrase of 'a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...' also be removed? Most likely not. But seeing the camera change to another scene less the crawl will seem quite out of place.

With the plan being to move ahead with more spin-off films, most Star Wars films in the future won't have the opening crawl either. It appears this will be reserved for the episodic films only, which currently are not planned to go beyond Episode IX at this point. While a major staple of the franchise at this point, there will be a time when it's less and less known to fans of the franchise moving forward.


“We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” - George Bernard Shaw