Star Wars: Rogue One - Predicting The Entire Plot In 10 Steps

1. The Movie Ends With The Plans Being Beamed To The Tantive IV

Star Wars Rogue One Plot

Reports of Rogue One's extensive reshoots alleged that the film would end only ten minutes before the start of A New Hope, a claim Kathleen Kennedy has been rather coy about addressing. If it is true (and it probably was at least one point in production) then that means Rogue One will end with the plans being beamed to the Tantive IV and Vader speeding after hot in pursuit.

We probably won't actually see Leia, simply because that would be too big a casting to keep quiet (and worthless for just a cameo), but may get Captain Antilles receiving a rogue transmission.

As for the end of our characters, it would be cool to have Jyn transmit them with her dying breaths (I'm thinking a Beneath The Planet Of The Apes style collapse), but as she's the lead and unlikely to die it'll probably be a more race-against-time deal. After that, it would be rather fitting of her troubled life to want to take a step back from the Rebellion, explaining why she's not around in the original trilogy while still leaving spin-off material adventures open down the line.

Agree with this predicition? How do you think Rogue One will go down? Share your plot theories down in the comments.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.