Star Wars: Rogue One Sizzle Reel Breakdown - 33 Things You Must See

17. War... Huh! What Is It Good For?

Rogue One Star Wars Stormtroopers

There's definitely a sense in the entire beach sequence that this is a straight-up war film at its heart.

The imagery is extremely reminiscent of traditional war epics, and if this even remotely challenges the beach sequence in Saving Private Ryan we are in for a hell of a treat.

Screen Shot 2016 07 15 At 11 31 29 AM

There's also a hint that we're going to see an X-Wing "kill" an AT-AT during the sequence from this guy...

Rogue One Unit Director

So, that's air support for the beach battle, with the very real chance of an X-Wing and TIE Striker dog fight in the air above the squadron. It's going to be insane.

It's also interesting to note how much the Rebel soldier's costumes appear to draw from Vietnam era US uniforms (as well as the Aliens Colonial Marines)...

Rogue One Soldiers

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