Star Wars Sequel Trilogy: 12 Missed Opportunities We'll NEVER Get Over

11. "A Good Question For Another Time"... That Never Comes

Star Wars Maz Kanata Lightsaber The Force Awakens

Something indicative of two major problems with the new trilogy: JJ Abrams' love of the "mystery box", and the lack of a throughline plan for the trilogy itself.

I'll get onto what happened with that supposed "blueprint" in good time, but one massive thing set up pretty blatantly in Force Awakens is how Maz Kanata came into possession of Luke's lightsaber.

She very clearly states that it's a "a good story" but "for another time", and yet... it never comes.

In fact, Maz is then resigned to a webcam chime-in during Last Jedi, and randomly gives Chewie his A New Hope-delayed medal at the close of Rise of Skywalker. Both latter scenes feel tacked on and pointless, yet the character was CLEARLY set up as something greater.

Oscar-winning Lupita Nyong'o was cast as Maz' voice and facial movements, so why get such a tour de force if you're going to give her a role that doesn't go anywhere?

Besides the lightsaber mystery being forgotten about, Kanata herself is just forgettable.

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