Star Wars Sequel Trilogy: 12 Missed Opportunities We'll NEVER Get Over

7. Kylo Recreating His Mask Instead Of Making A New One

Star Wars Kylo Ren

Kylo will long be held up as one of the only things that "works" from front to back in the new trilogy. However, Rise of Skywalker's hurry to undo every last "problematic element" from Last Jedi means he has to recreate his helmet, as it being smashed wasn't favourable to the wider fandom.

Thus is RoS - almost like a visual metaphor for the whole film, to be honest - Kylo's helmet is awkwardly soldered back together. Looking every bit like the forced visual it's supposed to represent character-wise, the glaring fault here is that Kylo could've just made another mask altogether.

If the point of the character is regression at the start of the film, let him get lost in the Dark Side. Make the new design macabre, memorable, twisted and forced. Rey rejecting him made Ren go insular and angry - it should've been reflected outwardly, the only way Kylo knows how.

Instead, we get another reset plot point as his character has nowhere to go for half the film, only amounting to him removing the mask all over again.

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