Star Wars Sequel Trilogy: 12 Missed Opportunities We'll NEVER Get Over

5. Almost Everything About Luke Skywalker

The Last Jedi Luke Skywalker

For the record, the idea of a Jedi becoming disenfranchised with their own legend and believing they'll do more harm than good by leading followers astray is fascinating territory.

It just didn't belong in the middle instalment of a trilogy that should've otherwise been building or maintaining momentum.

Because now, across all three flicks, JJ and Rian's treatment of Luke and Mark Hamill is just awkward.

After Hamill got majorly back in shape to reprise the role, he was told of only being in The Force Awakens for a few seconds. Mark then hated everything Johnson had planned for the middle instalment - stating he "fundamentally disagreed" with the portrayal, labelling it "not my Luke Skywalker" - as the character tossed his lightsaber over his shoulder and attempted to murder a child in their sleep.

Rise tries to make amends by having Luke outright state his actions in the previous movie were "wrong", before smiling to camera and lifting his X-Wing out the water like a Make A Wish celebrity coming round your house.

It's such an obvious attempt at course-correction; such naked fan service and hand-throwing "Okay! We yield! We're sorry!" that taken sequentially across the films, is jarring as hell.

Add to this that other than sparring with Leia in a flashback, Luke doesn't get to fight anyone with a lightsaber in THREE STAR WARS MOVIES, and the use of the character throughout is just awful.

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