Star Wars: Solo Trailer 2 Reactions - 8 Ups & 3 Downs

1. “I’ve Got A Good Feeling About This”

Alden Ehrenreich Han Solo

Look, it's inevitable that there will be some fan service in the Star Wars prequels and that they'll trot out some of the more well-used references and tropes from the rest of the franchise, but did it have to be this on-the-nose?

The worst thing that could have happened to this movie - and it's still a big possibility - is that Han says something like "I always shoot first" or worse, that he does something that suggests his mythology in the Original Trilogy is made up. Like, if he actually made the Kessel Run in more than twelve Parsecs or something.

But mangling his iconic catch-phrase for the sake of a little mirthy eyebrow raise is also pretty bad. It's just a trivial, unnecessary annoyance and will likely be the most divisive element of the whole trailer. If you love it, fair enough, but it really won't be for everyone.

And now on to the positives...


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