Star Wars: The Force Awakens - 10 Awesome Things (That Won’t Happen)

10. Boba Fett Controlling Lando In A Tyrannical Rule Over Cloud City

Many consider The Empire Strikes Back to be the best of the Star Wars Films, and while Clerks Dante and Randal can spend all day arguing about it one indisputable fact is that the second instalment in the Original Trilogy introduced two of the coolest characters in the Star Wars Universe: Boba Fett and Lando Calrissian. At the time that audiences met Lando, he had become an established leader of the Bepsin Cloud City, a vital gas mining colony. Later, Darth Vader and Boba Fett show up in a conference room encounter that ends with Han Solo encapsulated in carbonite. The rest is pop culture history. Thirty years later, with Cloud City providing such an indispensable resource as the tibanna gas used to fuel blasters, there is no doubt that someone would have to return to run the colony after hostilities with the Empire have ended (or balanced out) and a new order has been established. General Calrissian would certainly be a prime candidate to return to his old post. Considering Boba Fett's unknown fate at the teeth of the sarlacc pit beast in Return of the Jedi, it would be pretty amazing to find the clone of Jango Fett returning to the Cloud City and somehow manipulating this vital resource by coercion or other foul deeds through none other than Lando. After all, he has been known to put the best interests of the colony before loyalty before. Once this hostage situation is revealed to the audience, the reasons why could begin to unravel...
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Brandon grew from the awkwardness of his youth into the awkwardness of his adulthood. He is the author of the Eat Your Serial Press title "Ten Years Gone: Pomp and Circumstance" and is a contributor on Maglomaniac, Polite on Society, and What Culture.