Star Wars: The Force Awakens - 10 Major Plot Theories You Need To Know

9. Supreme Leader Snoke Is Darth Plagueis

You might remember - despite scrubbing the prequels from your mind - that in Episode III, then-Chancellor Palpatine talks about a 'Darth Plagueis', who was so powerful and attuned to the Force, that he could ensure people stayed alive, no matter what. It's very possible this whole story was made up to convince Anakin that Padme could be saved even if the worst were to happen, but it's also one of the only Sith Lords mentioned in the main film chronology that's not been followed up on. In the Expanded Universe books - thankfully of which, many are still canon - Palpatine was confirmed to be the apprentice that killed Plagueis, and he even remarks that "it was ironic. He could save others from death, but not himself". However, it's very possible that Supreme Leader Snoke is the reincarnated Plagueis after all, as not only do his described powers fall in line with the notion of reincarnation, but the score playing in the background of the scene in Revenge of the Sith is almost exactly the same as that of Snoke's introduction. Listen to the above clip and then the one below - it's one of the strongest and most plausible connections out there.
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