Star Wars: The Force Awakens - 10 Major Questions From The New Trailer

9. Where Have Han And Chewie Been?

If that was the case, and the ludircously titled Poe Dameron had taken possession of the Falcon, that might explain the line at the end of the trailer where Han Solo grins and tells Chewie they're €œhome€. They've simply not been in their beloved ship for a while and are glad to have it back. But in that case, how did they lose it in the first place? Did the Rebels take it for their own purposes? Maybe he lost it in a bet, much in the same way as he won it from Jabba The Hutt in the first place. But what if the line meant something else? Well, obviously some eagle-eared marketing bod realised it was a perfect line to stick at the end of a teaser to get people excited at the return of a fan-favourite character after all these years. In the context of the film, meanwhile, it could mean any number of things. Have Han and Chewie been off across the cosmos, continuing their smuggling ways? Have they been fighting in the continued conflict €“ since everything else in the trailer suggest the Star Wars are far from over? Have they finally decided to check out Chewbacca's home planet? If it's the latter, the rug budget on this must be HUGE.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at