Star Wars: The Force Awakens - 10 Reasons The Haters Are Dead Wrong

9. Plot Holes A-Plenty

There has been a lot of Internet buzz about The Force Awakens€™ shoddy plot. Over at the Huffington Post, Seth Abramson published a two-article diatribe about The Force Awakens' €˜Unforgivable€™ plot holes. Abramson pointed out sixty gaffes in the feature, although it's hard to say they're all valid; a lot of his examples like €œCaptain Phasma is supposed to be a big-deal character€™€ aren't even real plot holes. Abramson and many online haters have nitpicked The Force Awakens€™ plot to justify their dislike of it, but a lot of these criticism come down to matters of taste. Plot holes are logical inconsistencies in the movie, not things that somebody didn€™t like about the movie. No movie is plot hole free. They are an inevitable part of the movie making process. Plot holes only make a difference if they become so glaring that the movie ceases to make sense or stops being enjoyable. The Force Awakens€™ critical accolades and repeat business prove that moviegoers could follow the plot and enjoyed the movie's story; any minor inconsistencies are insubstantial when compared to all the things it gets right.

I'm YA writer who loves pulp and art house films. I admire films that try to do something interesting.