Star Wars: The Force Awakens - 23 Major New Reveals You Need To See

1. Is That Darth Vader?!

This is a very cool shot of Star Wars: The Force Awakens' Stormtroopers seemingly training in their Starkiller Base, but take a closer look over to the right and you'll notice Kylo Ren that Darth Vader leading the way?! It's already been confirmed that Kylo bases his appearance on Vader's, and the latest trailer for the movie saw the mysterious villain pledging to finish what the former Sith Lord started decades earlier. Could he have found a way to resurrect Vader? That looks a lot like him up there, but chances are that it's Captain Phasma, an Imperial officer, or even another of the Knights of Ren. Regardless, the Darth Vader inspiration is clear to see in those helmets/masks, and with rumours last year pointing to the iconic villain possibly appearing in a flashback, chances are that he's going to factor into this movie in some way. What do you think of this new round of information? Share your observations below in the comments thread.

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