Star Wars: The Force Awakens - 30 Easter Eggs & References You Need To See

26. Maz Has Obi-Wan€™s Box

The mystery of where Maz Kanata disappears to is a pretty pertinent one (hopefully we'll see more of her in the sequels) but there's an even bigger question that must be addressed first. When Rey wanders into the basement of her base/bar (following the creepy sound of children's ghostly voices for some reason) she finds Luke's lightsaber and experiences flashes of the future and the past. In amongst that, it sounds suspiciously like Yoda pops up briefly and also Obi-Wan but it's hard to tell. More interestingly is the fact that the box Rey opens looks a lot like the box Obi-Wan opens in A New Hope to reveal Anakin's lightsaber that he gives to Luke... Perhaps we'll find out how the box and the saber made it there in the sequels, perhaps we won't, but it feels like a nice closed circle.

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