Once the excitement of having a new poster and then trailer for The Force Awakens eventually died down a little (it still hasn't completely, and won't until the film's released), there was one lingering question on the lips of fans around the world: Where is Luke Skywalker? The Jedi was conspicuous by his absence on the official poster, and that was only reinforced when he didn't show up in the final trailer (at least, his face didn't, though there's still that shot of his hand on R2). That remains the only glimpse we've had of Mark Hamill, and it's not even 100% confirmed that it's actually him (it clearly is though). There was something of a minor meltdown online due to his lack of appearance, especially since we've seen quite a bit of Harrison Ford, and finally got a look at Carrie Fisher, and people started sounding like a more manic Aunt Beru. Luke? Luuuuke? Seriously, where's Luke? I thought Luke Skywalker was in this damn movie!? SHOW US LUKE FOR GOODNESS SAKE JJ?!?! Of course, his not being present is exactly the point. We aren't supposed to know what Luke is going to look like, where he is, or what he's been up to during the past 30 years since Return Of The Jedi. That's going to form a big part of the plot of The Force Awakens, and when he finally does appear it'll be a major reveal, but naturally it hasn't stopped a whole lot of speculation from, er, awakening.
NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far.
A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.