Though only a couple of months remain before The Force Awakens hits cinemas across the world at Christmas, actual details are still conspicuously absent. JJ Abrams has done incredibly well to preserve the sanctity of his new addition to the canon, including stopping LEGO - that traditionally hopeless spoiler of plot details - from ruining details of the plot. And it's not just the plot that's being kept close to Disney's chest: puzzle pieces as major as character names have so far eluded even the most hardened of spoiler hunters, including who walking legend Max Von Sydow will be playing. But, wonder no more Star Wars fans, for his name has now been revealed, according to a new rumour. He will be playing a village elder on the desert planet of Jakku called Lor San Tekka, who plays an instrumental role in helping to find Luke Skywalker. It's slightly disappointing that he's not playing an old Darth Vader or Boba Fett grown up, or something more spectacular, but then that was always going to be unlikely. That means pretty much everyone is accounted for - even if a lot of their character biographies remain secret - and everyone can stop suggesting which veteran characters the new cast members might be playing old versions of. Surely there'll be more to Sydow's character than that brief explanation is so far offering. It's hard to shake the feeling that he's effectively playing the Obi Wan Kenobi figure helping guide the new leads on their mission, and his past association with villains still feels equally pertinent. For now, all we can do is speculate...