Star Wars The Last Jedi: 8 Plot Theories From The Expanded Universe

1. Luke Skywalker Turns Evil

last jedi

This is a theory that even Luke Skywalker himself, Mark Hamill, has publicly discussed. It would be a truly tragic downfall for one of cinema’s most beloved heroes and, since Hamill himself seems on board with the idea, it might not be as farfetched as it sounds.

The aptly titled novel ‘Dark Empire’ tells an alternate history tale in which Luke is turned to the Dark Side by one of Emperor Palpatine's many clones. Yes, it’s a convoluted series of events but there are multiple ways in which The Last Jedi could explore this transition from good to evil without having to resort to this level of wackiness.

Luke has been living in isolation in the years since he failed to successfully train Ben Solo aka Kylo Ren with a lot of time to think about the mistakes he made and the repercussions on those he cares deeply about. This is exactly the sort out thinking that leads people down the path of the Dark Side.

Sure, this would mean that the ratio of villains to heroes gets a bit lopsided but what is Star Wars if not a tale of underdogs battling impossible odds.

Luke Skywalker Episode VIII

The main question is, will Luke be evil from the outset or will The Last Jedi show his losing battle to stay on the righteous path leaving Rey as the eponymous character? If it’s the latter, this would mean that she must restore balance to the force alone and potentially slay the original Star Wars poster boy.


A pop culture mad writer from the North East who loves films, television and debating them with whoever will listen. Follow me on Twitter @Johno_Patterson