Star Wars: The Last Jedi - 9 Moments Everybody Misunderstands

2. Luke's Last Moments

Star Wars The Last Jedi Luke Skywalker

Earlier in the movie, Luke Skywalker had poured scorn on the idea of him walking out with a laser sword and facing down the whole First Order, but when The Last Jedi approaches its climax that appears to be exactly what he does. When all seems lost, Luke arrives on Crait for a final hurrah, to face down Kylo Ren and take him out for good.

Right from the off it should be clear something is off: Luke looks a lot younger, like he did in his flashbacks of Ben, and when he steps out he ignites his blue lightsaber (the one we watched get destroyed). He doesn't even leave footprints. The greatest trick Rian Johnson ever pulled was convincing us that Luke did exist. But while that's deliberate obfuscation, it has left a number of fans unhappy with the result: a Luke Skywalker who doesn't get to face down his former pupil, a la Obi-Wan and Darth Vader, a Luke who doesn't get to have a lightsaber duel in this new trilogy, and a Luke who then dies alone on his island.

Except, well, Luke had already told us he wasn't going to face down the First Order with a laser sword, and he was true to his word and himself. He'd seen how violence didn't solve problems but instead caused more, how the Jedi fighting the Sith simply contributed to the neverending battle, and took action that meant he didn't have to fight, but still gave hope to the galaxy. He didn't need to clash lightsabers with Kylo Ren, because his mere presence (even just as a projection) was enough. It's a truly heroic moment, and one that sees Luke believe in himself and the Jedi again, but without having to resort back to the violence he's given up (and allows one of the most powerful Force users of all time the chance to display some of the most impressive Force powers we've ever seen).

Luke started his journey as a young farmboy staring out at the twin sunset, dreaming of being something more and joining the fight. He joined, won, lost, retired, and then rejoined and won again, to die a death on his own terms. He has seen his life come full circle, and can now stare out at the binary sunset no longer with longing, but a sense of peace and knowing that, once again, he has given the galaxy A New Hope.

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NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.