Star Wars: The Last Jedi Novelisation Includes Han Solo Funeral

"Where's Han?"

Star Wars The Force Awakens Han Solo death

One of the big rumours about Star Wars: The Last Jedi that didn't come to pass was that the film would show us Han Solo's funeral. The legendary smuggler was killed by his son in The Force Awakens and, while it was unlikely Harrison Ford would return in any capacity, there was logic in giving the character a big send-off.

With so much else going on in the film, though, there wasn't really room to fit it in, but that doesn't mean it's not part of the text in some capacity. The novelisation of The Last Jedi is on the horizon, and now a few details about what it includes have been revealed by director Rian Johnson and its writer Jason Fry on The Star Wars Show. The biggie is that it does include a funeral scene for Han.

The Last Jedi Novelisation Han Funeral

According to Fry, other scenes also included one between Rose and Paige Tico, and further exploration of Canto Bight. Since they're two of the most divisive elements of the movie it's hard to imagine their inclusion changing minds about the movie, but Solo's send-off should at least be a nice farewell.


Do you think Han Solo's funeral should've been in the movie? Share your thoughts down in the comments.


Read Next: Han Solo Movie: 5 Reasons To Be Excited (And 5 To Be Worried)


NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.