Star Wars: The Last Jedi Trailer - 13 Easter Eggs & Secrets You Probably Missed
"Now, reach out. What do you see?" "Light...Darkness...Balance...Superman?"

By now the question isn't 'have you seen The Last Jedi trailer?', but rather 'how many times have you seen it?'
The first teaser dropped on Friday at Star Wars Celebration Orlando, subsequently sending the world into a frenzy of excitement and hype. After the marketing campaign for The Force Awakens offered up '#WheresLuke', this time around it's very much '#TheresLukeButHolySh*tWTFIsGoingOnWithHim. Admittedly that one probably isn't quite as catchy.
It was a near-perfect teaser, offering up a real sense of what the tone of the movie Rian Johnson has crafted will be, showing us looks at a few main characters - with a focus on Rey and Luke - and giving us some tantalising plot hints.
Luke wants to end the Jedi, we've got what looks like this movie's version of the Battle of Hoth, Kylo Ren is pissed, and Rey's training is proving harder than she perhaps expected.
It's a trailer worth watching over (and over and over) again, in-part because it's great and the only Episode VIII footage we have right now, but also to look for things that we might've missed on the first excited viewing.
Delving deeper the trailer does contain plenty of references, secrets, and very fittingly for this weekend, Easter eggs.