Star Wars: The Last Jedi - What The Ending Really Means

9. Rey Is The Chosen One (And We Know Her Parentage)

Star Wars The Last Jedi Rey

Rey's story trajectory shouldn't really come as too much of a surprise, given the fact that The Force Awakens and the trailers this time out revealed her coming to terms with unprecedented powers. But it's still good to get confirmation that she's Luke Skywalker's heir as the Chosen One (or at least the most powerful force of Light who rises to match the greatest evil in the galaxy).

Despite only three lessons that are designed to teach her the perils of daring to follow the Jedi code, Rey effectively accidentally learns how to be the most powerful character on the light side. This, of course, is an echo of what Luke Skywalker himself went through with Yoda.

By the end of the movie, we know both where Rey is headed (or a general shape of her future) and her past. And for all the questions and rumours around her parentage, it turns out that she's no-one, which is both a disappointment and a reaffirmation of the galaxy's cause for hope. If anyone can be that powerful without a "special" upbringing, then there is always hope of other powerful Chosen figures.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.