Star Wars The Rise Of Skywalker Quiz: Who Said It?

Will the force be with you?

Rey Star Wars The Rise Of Skywalker

No one could have possibly predicted way back in 1977 that Star Wars would go on to become one of the most controversial franchises of all time. After one beloved trilogy, fans found themselves with a disappointing trio of prequels and a very unfocused, somewhat bizarre trio of sequels. J.J. Abrams retook the helm for the final entry in the Skywalker Saga and, well, he sure packed a LOT into it.

From the never-ending, monumental action to the sometimes bizarre, out-of-left-field plot points, Rise of Skywalker probably had enough content to fill two fully fledged Star Wars movies. Due to just how much is going on in this movie, it can get pretty easy to forget what was going on five minutes ago, let alone whose quotes belonged to who after two and a half hours.

Do you think you have what it takes to remember?

Answers at the end!

1. "People Keep Telling Me They Know Me. No One Does."


someone remind me to edit this