Star Wars VII: 5 Things That Could Potentially Ruin It
5. Reviving The Dead
Emperor Palpatine is surely dead: he plummeted to his death at the hands of his redeemed apprentice Darth Vader. Likewise, Yoda died in front of Luke's very eyes, disappearing and everything. The Star Wars universe has the capacity to bring back ghost-like remnants of dead characters, but does it risk going over the top? Alec Guinness returned for small, sporadic, yet vital appearances as the ghost of Obi Wan Kenobi, and this worked fine, and enabled us to understand the complexity of the films plot-as well as explaining Jedi concepts to us. Do we want to see the ghoulish return of most of the characters we saw die? No, because frankly, this would do little more than eradicate some of the magic of Episode VI. The joy of Episode VI lay in its atmosphere of despair: Yoda has died; the Empire is embarking upon a new Death Star and the rebel forces have one final chance to destroy this. The underdog spirit is what makes the film so uplifting; if it is a futile attempt to temporarily slow down the impending return of a new evil endeavour surely the Ewoks and rebels would have died for nothing? Could this new trilogy discredit or weaken the originals? There certainly is the scope to do so. Rather than relying on the original cast, it makes far greater sense to renew the spirit of Star Wars with fresh, new talent; new characters; new scenarios; new enemies. It is not worth undermining the tour de force that is Episode VI, and the original trilogy, for the advancement of new story-lines; make sure that there is a sense of continuity between the two projects, and certainly ensure that there is fidelity to the power of the original trilogy.
A 21 year old History graduate looking for someone to listen to his ramblings. Lover of comic books, movies and all other superhero related things. Published in The Independent, always looking for interesting things to write about...Follow me on Twitter at @samclements1993, and check out my blog: