Star Wars: What Happened To EVERY Jedi That Survived Order 66
The Force will always be with them. Always...

In the Star Wars canon, Order 66 is the most pivotal moment in the galaxy's history. Executed by Chancellor Palpatine - finally revealing himself as Darth Sidious, the Dark Lord of the Sith - it wiped out almost every Jedi in the galaxy and forced the few survivors into hiding. With its execution, the age of the Jedi was done, and the Empire was born.
But not all the Jedi were slain by the brainwashed clones in their command. Whilst warriors such as Ki-Adi Mundi, Plo Koon, Aayla Secura, Shaak Ti and Stass Allie were killed in the initial outbreak, there are some who managed to escape the destruction of the Jedi Order and either go into hiding, continue to try and fight, or disappear entirely.
Some of the following Jedi survivors managed to escape death altogether, and died long after the Jedi Purge that followed Order 66. Others didn't last long at all, and found they couldn't outrun their fate. And a select few never gave up hope and never stopped fighting for the possibility of peace and the end of the Empire.
Here are the list of the Jedi known to have survived Order 66 and what happened to them after the Galactic Empire took hold of the galaxy. The following entries are from the official Star Wars canon only, and they contain major spoilers.
18. Yoda

Starting with the most legendary of all Jedi, Yoda was leading his men in the Battle of Kashyyyk when Order 66 was given. Clone Commander Gree attempted to kill the Jedi Master (drawing the short straw) but Yoda had already sensed what has happened through the Force and he managed to escape alive.
Joining forces with Obi-Wan Kenobi, he plotted to destroy Palpatine - finally revealed as Darth Sidious - once and for all, but the epic confrontation ended in a stalemate. Yoda realised it was too late to stop what was happening, because Palpatine was too strong, and he decided to go into hiding in the swamp-ridden planet, Dagobah.
There, he conversed with fallen Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn about retaining his identity even after death, as a Force Ghost.
He also spent his years in hiding watching over various surviving Jedi in the galaxy, at one point aiding Kanan Jarrus, Ezra Bridger, and old friend Ahsoka Tano in escaping the Jedi Temple during the rule of the Galactic Empire, sending the rebels to Malachor to discover that revenge against the Sith was not the way to victory.
As his twilight years dawned on him, Yoda was approached by Luke Skywalker, who wanted training in the ways of the Force. Yoda helped the young rebel, hoping he could continue the Jedi tradition. When Luke returned to Dagobah a year later, Yoda confirmed that Darth Vader was in fact Anakin Skywalker, Luke's father.
He died peacefully at Luke's side.