Star Wars: Why Solo FAILED At The Box Office

2. The Critical Reactions

Solo A Star Wars Story Poster

You could look at Solo's Rotten Tomatoes score (currently 70%) and think that it's not THAT bad. It's still fresh, after all. But it's all about context.

Not only are there some very visible reviews using language that qualifies Solo's quality with caveates or damns it with faint praise (like saying it's good, not great or that it's "fine"), but 70% is a dangerous number because of the precedent. After all, Attack Of The Clones, which was memorably panned (and still continues to be) scored 66%. Even The Phantom Menace scored 55%. It's all a little too close for comfort and fans notice these things.

That's probably why there are currently so many influencers in Hollywood congratulating Ron Howard on Solo's quality and why there's so much mention of the Twitter fan reactions. It's about moving away from those "official" critical responses and letting the "true fan" voices be amplified. Well, the right ones anyway.


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