There was talk a while back of Will Smith producing a KARATE KID redo. Though it was initially denied, it seems apparent that a remake is in the works with Smith overseeing the project. KUNG FU HUSTLE director Stephen Chow was recently in LA for the premier of Smith's I AM LEGEND and it seems the pair may have been cooking up a plan for the film:-
"I'm very fond of THE KARATE KID and would love to join in the remake project, no matter as a producer, director or actor, says Chow. But it depends on my schedule. As you know, next year I will work on two movies, DRAGON BALL and JOURNEY TO THE WEST."
Like Chow there are a lot of people who are fond of that movie and it seems to have sunk pretty heavily into the pop culture consciousness. During an episode of THE OFFICE I lost it when Michael Scott taunted his martial arts opponent by saying "Hey, Karate Kid. Hilary Swank version!" Chow is a director of some talent and it's a little strange that he's involved in stuff like DRAGON BALL and this. I would love to see him tackle an original project but if he can bring his anarchic visual sensibility to crowd pleasers then I'd be game for that, too. source -
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