Steve Carell: 5 Awesome Performances And 5 That Sucked

2. Frank Ginsberg - Little Miss Sunshine

oscarwinner Every year a film comes out - usually an independent film - that takes the world by storm; that rare case where both critics and audiences adore it, and it even gets some Oscar love. In 2006, that film was Little Miss Sunshine. Serving as the directorial debut for filmmaking duo Valerie Faris and Jonathan Dayton, the movie revolves around a dysfunctional family who embark on a road trip so the young daughter of the family can compete in a beauty pageant. Carell plays her gay, suicidal uncle, and he walks away with just about every scene, despite the brilliance of his fellow cast members. The beauty of Steve Carell is his ability to portray tragic characters, yet also be really funny in the process, and that talent is on full display here. He plays the role with perfect subtlety, offering the audience a grounded, though broken insider's view of the familial dysfunction - he is our fly on the wall, who recognises the ridiculousness of his fellow characters' dynamic, without ever really judging them for it. He is fractured, touching and completely charming, and few other actors could have handled the role quite so well. If this is any indication of what his dramatic roles can be, he's coming for that Oscar when Foxcatcher is released.

One day, an average boy decided to watch Quentin Tarantino's Pulp Fiction, not knowing what he was in store for. That was all it took for the boy's life to be changed forever. Hint: The boy was me. Follow me on the Twitter, @SelfTaughtFilm.