Steve Carell: 5 Awesome Performances And 5 That Sucked

5 That Sucked€

5. Phil Foster - Date Night

datenight I have to start this off by saying that Date Night is a perfectly watchable action comedy: it's not one of those movies that you can barely make it through, but it's the embodiment of a film with a great cast, but with bad execution. A film starring Steve Carell and Tina Fey sounds legendary: both actors have lead uber-successful sitcoms, and both are unbelievably funny. It's just, you know, Shawn Levy is a terrible director, and he fails to get anything like the best out of his cast. The scenario is extremely unrealistic, which is usually something I couldn't care less about, but it got a little annoying here. The characters are what you'd expect Carell and Fey to portray, rather than original creations. Let's just hope for a Fey/Carell reunion, this time with a talented director.

One day, an average boy decided to watch Quentin Tarantino's Pulp Fiction, not knowing what he was in store for. That was all it took for the boy's life to be changed forever. Hint: The boy was me. Follow me on the Twitter, @SelfTaughtFilm.