Ideas for a proposed
Jurassic Park IV have been floating around Universal's desk for the best part of the last decade since
Jurassic Park III's $386 million worldwide release in 2001. Perhaps the most infamous in existence was a script by
John Sayles and Oscar winning The Departed writer
William Monahan that re-imagined the dinosaurs as military trained attack dino's with body armour and missiles who would undertake missions for the government. I kid you not. That script exists somewhere. Unsurprisingly that never made it into production but Jurassic Park IV and the rapid rate of ever improving technology has kept up the interest of Spielberg in a franchise he kicked off nearly twenty years ago and now comes word from
The Hollywood Reporter that he has been meeting with I Am Legend screenwriter
Mark Protosevich to brainstorm ideas for where a proposed four-quel would go. This isn't the first time Spielberg and Protosevich have been meeting to discuss film ideas... Spielberg two years ago hired the writer to come up with a Hollywood remake of
Oldboy that
Will Smith would star in but that turned out to be just as dumb as the idea for military dino's in Jurrasic Park IV and that never got off the ground either. I imagine after the couple of years Universal have had where gambles on risky, auteur projects haven't come off, they are desperate for a return to proven franchises that have made them millions in the past and the Jurassic Park series is one of their biggest hits. And in the modern day climate when franchises are rebooted every week and rival studio's like Warner Bros. have a new
Godzilla in the works - why can't they resurrect their extinct creatures and of course in 3D. Once Spielberg and Protosevich have found an idea they like, I imagine the writer will go off and script whilst Spielberg finds a director (I can't imagine he would helm the project). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oEwiZ7IlJdU Can magic be re-captured two decades on and cam Spielberg wow us again with modern day technology? I would love to hear your thoughts on a proposed Jurassic Park IV.