Woody Allen's stateside September opening
You Will Meet A Tall Dark Stranger, which debuted today in Cannes may end up being my personal favourite movie from the festival (I stress favourite - not the best, just the one I am most likely to re-visit) and is the best London-set Allen movie since Match Point five years ago. I'll be brief because today is jam packed with screenings but You Will Meet A Tall Dark Stranger is about those important moments in life when you have a big decision to make and whether you decide to make a change and act opportunistically in an attempt to prove your stock in the universe, or whether you stay living the same old life with it's complexities and limits. Do you break the glass ceiling and take a risk that what's above is safer ground than where you are - or do you carry on as things were? Josh Brolin, Anthony Hopkins, Naomi Watts, Antonio Banderas, Freida Pinto and more are all great.
You Will Meet A Tall Dark Stranger is basically telling us we are all royal fucked, the human race is desperate and without hope of being happy. In fact -
Match Point, Cassandra's Dream, Whatever Works and
Vicky Cristina Barcelona also carry this underlining
theme of stick or twist - and Allen never reveals to us which he believes is the right thing to do?