Suicide Squad: 10 Biggest Questions Left Unanswered

7. How Did Amanda Waller Survive?

Enchantress Justice League Suicide Squad
Warner Bros.

The Question: During the final battle, Amanda Waller is being held unconscious and upside down in an energy field by Enchantress' tentacles. Once Enchantress has been defeated, however, she somehow emerges almost entirely unscathed, with her mobile phone detonator still in tact and nothing more than a rip on her jacket. How the hell is she still alive?

The Likely Answer: You could argue that Enchantress intentionally kept Waller alive in case she needed to manipulate her again in the future, as given her high-profile government status, she's a good puppet to have in the pocket. Sadly, the real answer here is straight-up lazy writing.

Ayer obviously wanted to keep Waller alive for any potential future movies, and if Deadshot makes a quip about her incredulous survival, then everyone forgets about how ridiculous it is, right?

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.