Suicide Squad: 10 Major Reveals From The New Images
9. Katana May Not Be A Villain
A lot of fans questioned the surprise inclusion of Katana as part of Task Force X when that first official Suicide Squad cast image was released, but it turns out that the character - who has traditionally been portrayed as a hero, most recently in season three of Arrow - may not be a member of the team after all. In fact, she's actually Rick Flag's bodyguard and a volunteer. That means that unlike the rest of her teammates, Katana doesn't have a nanobomb injected into her neck, and it makes sense that Flag (who Joel Kinnaman describes as the, "highest level operator working for the government. He's had lots of friends die and has killed many, many people.") would need someone out there to watch his back. Don't go expecting a watered down version of Katana though. Actress Karen Fukuhara promises that while she has "morals and codes," she "can also slice through hundreds of people without taking a breath." There's also a surprising element from the comic book version of Katana that the movie has decided to include, but I'll get to that a little later...