Suicide Squad: 13 More Brand New Details We Just Learrned

11. The Big Bad Is "The Adversary"

Suicide Squad Trailer Enemy Soldiers

According to, and as per their set visit last year, producers Richard Suckle and Andy Horowitz revealed that the real big bad of Suicide Squad is actually called The Adversary (and not the one who appeared briefly in Superman comics).

It is he/she/it who is in charge of those black monsters in the trailers, and they're hereby to be referred to as the Eyes Of The Adversary. Interestingly, they have patches on their sleeves saying Escort To Darkness.

"Oh, you will find out who the Adversary is," promises Suckle. "That is for sure. You will find out not only who the Adversary is but why they exist, who is part and parcel and who is behind them. You definitely find that out in this movie for sure."

The Joker and Enchantress are actually only secondary villains, and that this mysterious villain probably has someone behind it pulling the strings. Answers on a post card for that one, but my money is on the Adversary being Monster T transformed (like Tattoo Man in the comics), and the Joker being involved somehow.


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