Suicide Squad: 15 Major Reveals From The New EW Details
Mr J does love Harley Quinn after all...
It's almost time for all of those complaints about The Joker to either be disproved or given wings, because Suicide Squad is very much on the verge of coming to cinemas.
Despite coming off the back of Batman v Superman, with Warner Bros and DC's stocks as creative forces running frustratingly low for a lot of fans, the film is hugely hyped. It's now gone from being the quirky outside bet to Warners' great hope.
The prospects of seeing a new Joker, Will Smith's Deadpool, the first screen Harley Quinn and a delightfully bad Amanda Waller are mouth-watering, and that's before we get into any narrative details. So far the plot has been kept pretty under wraps, but thanks to the new issue of Entertainment Weekly, we have some new exciting hints both at the story and the production.
There's also a new International Trailer (which just slightly recuts an older one)...
So what details were hidden in amongst Entertainment Weekly's exclusive information?
15. It's Set After Batman v Superman
For a long time it was assumed that Suicide Squad might be set before Batman v Superman, to account for the fact that Batman is still operating (and not tied up recruiting the Justice League). But it now seems that the film actually follows on from Snyder's sloppy ensemble.
As EW confirmed in their official synopsis "Suicide Squad takes place in a post-Superman world, following the events of Dawn of Justice". So he's obviously still dead, by the sound of that.
Whether that means we'll actually get to see Batman as he is now isn't confirmed. There's still a very real possibility that the footage we saw in the trailers of Bats is from a flashback before his "retirement" and before the events of BvS. That would probably make the most sense.