Suicide Squad: All The Costumes Ranked From Worst To Best

9. El Diablo

In the comic books, El Diablo walks around either shirtless or looking like a poor man's version of Captain America villain Crossbones, so there's not a huge amount Suicide Squad could really do with him. However, you would think that they could have come up with something a little more exciting than regular street clothes and a jacket with his name on it. Despite having an ability to control fire, even the comic book version El Diablo is one of the most unexciting and bland members of the Suicide Squad, so don't be surprised if he's essentially just here as cannon fodder. The tattoos look so normal, you have to think that the movie missed a real opportunity to make this version of El Diablo look more unique.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.